While the sports dome and the Aeon Mall are extremely impressive and will probably become things that Oita city will become well known for, there is also deep rich history that makes Oita a significant place.

Our next stop was at the martyrs memorial. Sculptured by a well know artist this monument is in memory of the over 200 residents of Oita City, who during the intense persection of the church chose death instead of renouncing their faith.

Somehow it seemed a little inappropiate to pose in front of the memorial as a group but here are some of us reading the account of those who gave so much because they knew how much God loved them and how much Jesus gave to to bring them salvation.

This picture represents that God has done so much here, before we came many people have lived courageously for Jesus in this city of Oita that God is calling our team to. We always need to remind ourseleves of how much and how many people have faithfully walked out their faith before we came.
From the martyrs memorial – which along with many other historical markers of the great persection here in Japan have recently been declared as world heritage sites. – we went to Oita station. When they rebuilt this station several years ago, they chose to erect two statues that spoke significantly of the history that formed the city.
One was the Daimyo, Otomo Sorin, who responded to the gospel and fully commited his life to follow Jesus.
The second one was Francis Xavier the Portuguese missionary who introduced Christianity in a powerful way several hundred years ago.
At the mall Jose and I got a chance to sit down at Starbucks, while others were shop fuddling. While I resisted firmly the temptation to buy the new series of Starbucks cups to add to my collection, the old collection did not include Oita. They did have one at this store but Julianne had already bought it. Fortunately the Starbucks at the station had one.

Every time I get to use it I will be praying for our Oita team!!!