When Loren Cunningham founded Youth With A Mission. -YWAM- back in the 1960’s, he had a vision of waves crashing onto the shorelines of many countries. These waves became young people bringing the love of Jesus to every nation. This story is told in his book, “Is that really you God?”
So I wanted to be able to wear the T shirt as a statement of my faith, that waves of young people would keep coming to Japan to bring the love of Jesus. We have seen a large number of them come though our school during the past several years.
This was eary in 2011 and as many of you know that year we had a major earthquake and resulting tidal wave that devastated the Tohoku region of Japan. I was involed in leading many relief trips up to the Tohoku area but for obvious reasons did not choose to display this statement of my faith on those trips.
This is picture of our fourth team and it was an amazing group of people. On the left is David our Base leader, then a team of three from Kona in Hawaii, two awesome young guys from Tokyo Baptist Church, Derick, right in the middle, a key leader on our staff, me – not wearing the T-shirt and finally Gary a new staff member from England with his fiancee Naoko.